Travel & Transport to & from 4-day Alpine Walking Weekends
As long-time weekend and short break specialists, everything about our format is geared towards providing hassle-free holidays which maximise your time spent enjoying the activities you love.
Helping to make things as easy as possible for your travel to and from your break with us is an important part of this.
Flights are the one major element of your holiday which isn’t arranged by Walk Weekender; once you’ve booked onto one of our breaks you will need to book your own flights (or make other travel arrangements out to France) independently.

Once you arrive into Geneva airport, all your transport to and from our walking base, and on tour transfers further afield for custom breaks, is covered by us as part of your package.
Fly out on Thursday, back on Monday for our Walking Breaks
Our standard 4-day Walking Weekends from Thursday evening to Monday afternoon, giving 3.5 fantastic days of hiking. These breaks run throughout the summer on fixed dates.
Airport transfers on arrival (Thursday) are from Geneva airport at 18:30.
On departure (Monday), transfers leave the Aravis region at 13:00, arriving at Geneva airport by 14.00, for flights scheduled to depart at 16:00 or later.
Non-standard transfers at any other time are possible at a rate of 165 euros per minibus, carrying up to 8 passengers – payable locally.
Other Airports, Self-Drive & Train Travel Options
For any custom break, it may potentially be possible to arrange travel into different airports, or by a different method to those outlined on the package details page.
For any of our holidays, you could also self-drive direct to your base, making it possible to combine a Walk Weekender break with a longer holiday in France.
Airport / station transfers from non-standard locations, or self-driving, may change the price of a break… if an alternative travel option looks possible for you, just contact us to discuss how this would work with trip timings and package pricing.
Questions about Travel or Flights?
Just email , call +44 (0) 845 557 5983 or